Many have asked how to donate to stocking the FREE FOOD PANTRY at The Kauai Store. You are welcome to select any donation amount as anything is greatly appreciated!
- Your donations go directly to purchase food for locals!
- We have volunteers who are standing by to make the shopping runs and we will continue to share pictures of the deliveries to social media. If your funds were used to purchase food in the picture(s) then look for your name in the comments!
Your donations will go to purchase the most requested things that don't get donated including:
- fresh fruits and vegetables from Kauai farmers making your donation spend twice!
- canned meats like tuna, chicken, SPAM, Vienna sausages
- rice, flour, sugar
- Baby items
These are the most requested items by born-and-raised locals who form the core of our culture of aloha. We simply cannot get enough of these.
Kauai may currently be experiencing unemployment rates as high as 70% - perhaps the highest in the nation. We are not a huge population so even small donations can make a fantastic difference here.
If you are feeling particularly generous and don't see your amount in the options please just give us a call at: 808-631-6706
Mahalo and aloha!